
柳宗理Butterfly Stool 改變經典

採訪撰文/陳佳歆 英譯/陳建廷 圖片提供/MoMA、Loft29、信實、晴山、弘第、雅浩    


日本設計大師柳宗理的經典之作「蝴蝶椅」(Butterfly Stool),是不少人認識設計師家具的開始,由兩片對稱木材膠合板(plywood)彎曲出宛如蝴蝶翅膀般的優雅曲線,當中僅以金屬細棍連結支撐張力,堪稱力學與美學的跨世紀傑作。自1954年萬國博覽會「蝴蝶椅」發表之後,大家對於木材能彎曲出如此完美弧線感到驚訝不已,這就是木材膠合板的神奇魅力。

Japanese maestro designer Sori Yanagi's Butterfly Stool employs two symmetrical pieces of plywood to sculpt the elegant butterfly wing like contour. Since it was debuted in 1954, people were astounded by how wood could create such beautiful lines. This is the magical charm of plywood.

木材膠合板被新世紀建築師與設計師視為現代主義的創造媒介,是認識現代家具不能不知的科技材質。簡單的說膠合板是由薄木片疊合,木片之間塗覆強膠再以高溫與高壓壓合而成,並可以隨著鑄模造形壓製出各種滑順曲度,具有抗破裂,抗收縮,易塑形等優點。木材膠合板在十九世紀大量被運用,廣泛應用在建築及工業項目上,也逐漸走入生活用品及家具,二次世界大戰時曾被英國用來製造蚊式轟炸機(Mosquito),美國設計師查爾斯與蕾伊姆斯夫婦(Charles and Ray Eames)也在當時受美國海軍所託,以膠合板為傷兵設計腳上固定支架(Leg Splint)。根據工業設計史的紀錄,木材膠合板發展至上個世紀,由於它極高的可塑性,已經成為設計界相當受歡迎的研究學之一,設計師們不斷著墨在木材及接合方式,尋找可以發揮絕佳支撐力度與美學的結合。

Plywood is regarded as the creative medium of modernism by new age architects and designers. To put it simply, it is made from thin pieces of wood veneer glued together and bonded through high temperature and high pressure. It can be molded into different smooth contours and features advantages such as being resistant to warping, cracking and twisting. Plywood was used extensively in the 19th century, for example, the British used it to build the Mosquito bomber in WWII, while American designers Charles and Ray Eames was commissioned by the US Navy to design the leg splint for injured sailors. The ductility of plywood has made it one of the most popular fields of research in design, where designers are constantly seeking optimal fusion of strength and aesthetics.


早期木製家具相當昂貴,造形也沒有太大的突破,雖然膠合板早已被發現其優點,但當時在曲面、舒適度仍有無法突破的技術。最早開創出膠合板椅子的是芬蘭設計師阿瓦爾‧奧圖(Alvar Aalto),而紐約當代美術館MoMA最早的收藏則是英國設計師Gerald Summers的作品,美國查爾斯與蕾伊姆斯夫婦則是將膠合板技術發揚光大舉的關鍵人物,對現代家具的有著無遠弗界的影響力。

Early wooden furniture was very expensive and did not have significant breakthroughs in shape design. Despite the advantages of plywood, there were bottlenecks in terms of curvature and comfort. Finnish designer Alvar Aalto was the first person to develop a plywood chair, while the MoMA's earliest collection is the creation by British designer Gerald Summers. American designers Charles and Ray Eames were the key individuals in perfecting the plywood technology.


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